Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Glimmering on the horizon it lays;
my hopes,
my dreams,
yet plainly in sight.
It beckons me to it,
but the road I must take is long and unfair.
my hopes,
my dreams
remain untouchable.
For now.

Time standing still

Do you ever get that feeling that, because something incredibly awesome is on the horizon, time decides to stand still? Yeah me too.

In 3 days its my birthday party, in 4 my 1 year anniversary with my boyfriend, in one week its my actual birthday, in 1 week and 4 days its my last day at work for the year, in 12 days its christmas, in 18 days its next year, in 22 days im on a plane to sydney and in one month and 3 days im on a plane to china to live for just over a month. So basically all good things for me begin in 3 days BUT this week seems neverending! I swear its feels like thursday but in reality its only tuesday!

Not only do I think this is happening because ive been waiting for this weekend for over a month now but I also think its because I can see my holidays on the horizon and I am getting increasingly tired of my job. Now, dont get me wrong, I'm not one to complain about a job when so many people in the world who want jobs cant get jobs, BUT look at it this way...
My entire life I've been a student with 4 sets of holidays a year and this year ive been working full time for near 6 months and im exhausted!! Ive never done such a long stretch without a break and its really getting to me. That and the fact that I am a student my nature and considering my job relies of my physical capabilities rather than my mental abilities I've been feeling a little lost. I miss learning, I miss that feeling of finally figuring out the answer to something after ages of getting it wrong, I miss reading for purpose and I actually miss assignments. All this and I miss socialising. I feel like I dont really talk to anyone in a day, like REALLY talk to them about hopes/dreams etc. like students do on a daily basis. I also miss that feeling of going to a coffee shop to actually relax and drink a coffee rather than run around like a headless chook for 7 hours a day.

I should really stop dwelling on the fact that time seems to be slowing down and distract myself in some other way. Then maybe, just maybe it can finally be friday!

P.S. For my party I'm gonna make some jello shots like the ones here Ill make a post about it later :)

Beth xo

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Back on track

Finally I have some motivation!

At the start of this year I was 60kg. I am currently 65kg. I need to get my summer body back! Now, some would say 5kg is the hardest to lose and keep off. The only way I got down to 60 last year is because I was sick with glandular fever over summer and the moment I got better my weight levelled out at around 62-63 which I was happy with. But I would really like to lose these last 5kg and this time, keep it off!

My main philosophy at the moment is to eat foods that are super duper packed with goodness. And nothing processed. This is harder than you would think. Literally everything is processed in someway or another and since I'm not exactly financially in a position to purely buy organic etc. I am having to make some compromises. But yes, the majority of my food consumed as of today will be fresh and real food that is bought in a form closest to that which it was harvested. 

I've also set myself a few rules (more like guidelines) to help me stay healthy and hopefully lose these 5kg before I go live in china in January (more to come on this topic ;D)

1. avoid gluten as much as possible (mostly in the form of processed breads). This philosophy sounds kind of 'carb related' but its not, I will still be eating potatoes and whole grains, the reason behind the avoidance of gluten is because ceoliac disease runs in my family and at times I cannot digest gluten properly. I don't know why it is only sometimes, must be the time of year cause generally around summer my body has a spazz. Instead I've been trying out quinoa and let me tell you I LOVE it! I made a batch to eat with my curry the other day because we ran out of rice and it tasted so good! 

2. Have a glass of warm water with lemon the moment I wake up before starting my morning routine. I've heard about the many benefits of doing this and thought I'd try it out for myself :) 

3. Exercise 3 times per week minimum! I just got my old bike fixed so hopefully within the next week I will get that back so I can start riding into work for a little bit of cardio but I will be doing my weights 3 times a week and my sit-ups are already a part of my daily routine.

4. Concerning sweets; All in moderation!!!! I've become a massive sweet tooth this year and have been finding it really hard to say no to cake etc. and since I work in a cafe the temptation is there staring me in the face all day. But I must be strong! One sweet this per week whether that be chocolate, cake, etc. Substitute fruit or greek yoghurt with honey for that sweet kick. 

5. DRINK WATER 2L per day and 3 cups of green tea. Avoid milk where possibly and limit coffee intake to 3 times per week (for now, I have heard that coffee boosts metabolism but atm I need a good detox which includes coffee) 

6. Small portions, healthy snacks and limit fats ie. butters, oils, cheese etc.

Today I was really good. I woke up and did a 1 hour workout before work. I dont think I'll have time to do this tomorrow in the morning but I plan to go for a swim in the afternoon cause it'll be nicer weather. I also ate really well.
BFAST: I had a tropical fruit breakfast smoothie topped with chia seeds and oats,a hard boiled egg and green tea
LUNCH: quinoa salad with carrot, celery, tomato, pepitas, sunflower seeds, cabbage, rocket, tabouli and balsamic vinegar and green tea
DINNER: curry with quinoa and home-made tatziki and green tea

Anyways Im off, untill next time :)

Beth xo

Monday, 5 December 2011

Healthy girl?

So I know I haven't made a post in a while and I'm really angry about that.
I keep losing the motivation to post and considering noone reads this blog I didn't think it would be a big deal. I wish I had more people interested in what I am saying, but the fact of the matter is that noone knows about this blog and its really hard to get started and get people reading what your'e writing.

Anyways, lately I haven't been much of a healthy girl. All the vices and indulgences this unhealthy world offers have become suddenly irresistible and I no longer have the motivation to exercise or say no to a piece of cake. Its really bad, i've gained 3 kg in 3 weeks and this time last year i was 5kg lighter! So I'm trying to get my motivation to eat well and exercise back.

I was doing really well today I had muesli and yoghurt for brekkie, salad with quinoa for lunch, an apple as a snack and then a chicken salad for tea. I also had a low fat hot choc (only 200kj) because i bought a packet of sachets for a xmas present and needed to test them out... no longer giving them as a gift. Not quite nice enough.  

I didn't have enough motivation to do an afternoon workout but tomorrow I am going to force myself! 

Anyways goodbye for now :)

Beth xo